Friday, October 9, 2020

Psalm 139:13-16

Psalm 139:13-16 
English Standard Version 

  I love this section -- the idea of God knitting our inward parts together is so intimate.  I have three children, and I've never ceased to marvel at the miracle of how life develops in the womb.  Everything is so small!  We watch the ultrasound of the chambers of the heart, little valves opening and closing, and it's miraculous that such tiny parts work so wonderfully together.  Children are no less miraculous when they're born, but there's something about the way the fetus grows and the scale of it that simply astounds me.  A child is the size of a grain of rice at one point -- just think about how small the kidneys must be when they develop!  It's incredible.  And God is involved in it.
  I think there's two things to dwell on.  The first is how intimately God is involved in our lives.  God isn't sitting at a distance, waiting to judge us, or watching to see if we do right or wrong.  God is there with us at the beginning -- and if God is this invested in us when we're just starting out, how much more is God with us now?  I'm certainly far more attached to my children now.  
  The second thing is that it's worth noting how science and God work together.  God is involved in these processes.  Christianity gets panned as being anti-science, but I don't think that's true at all.  We believe that God has been involved in everything that has happened since before creation, so if the science shows us that things happened one way, I'm willing to look at that and think about how God was involved in that process.  Some of the most advanced scientific minds on earth are Christian, and the more they learn about the underlying principles of the world, the more amazed they are at God's sovereignty and wisdom.  

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