Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Mark 11:12-14

Mark 11:12-14 
The Message 

  I've always thought this little intercession was interesting, and I'm relying heavily upon the notes in my study Bible for interpretation here.  
  So a fig tree bears fruit and leaves at the same time -- so a fig tree in full leaf should have fruit.  In the same way, the Christian's life should bear fruit -- I think that fruit looks different for each of us, depending on the unique gifts each of us have, but when Christians lie and cheat and steal, it brings shame on the church, and we have to remember that in the living of our lives, we are pointing beyond ourselves.  This is a great responsibility, and to treat it carelessly is very, very dangerous.
  The fig tree is a symbol of the Israelites throughout the Old Testament, so Jesus here is reprimanding Israel for their unfaithfulness to God.  It's a harsh word, and one that is heard throughout the Old Testament.  Just as a child needs to hear words of rebuke at times from a parent, we have to look at the bigger picture as well -- despite the rebelliousness, despite the larger sin of the people, God comes to save.  There is salvation that arises out of the rebelliousness.
  So we should remember the fig tree, and remember the Savior who stands before it, and remember that the God who comes as Judge is the same God who comes as Savior, to stand in our place of judgment to secure for us a place of salvation.

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