Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Matthew 19:23-30

Matthew 19:23-30 

  Life sure would look differently if we took this seriously, wouldn't it?  Imagine a bunch of people competing with one another to be last, to put everyone else first... paints a different picture than what you see in the world, doesn't it?  
  We're hard-wired to try and be first, and Jesus knows this about us, which is why he spent so much time not only teaching us about servanthood, but also showing it to us.  He washed feet.  He listened.  He healed.  He traveled to see people who might not otherwise have heard.  He reached out.  He made the effort, at inconvenience to himself.  The entire incarnation of Jesus was a demonstration of selfless service -- Jesus didn't have to leave heaven, but Jesus chose to leave heaven so that we might join him there.  
  It was all a free choice.
  So pick something to try and be last in today.  Pick the slowest line at the grocery store.  Go out of your way to visit someone, meaning you don't optimize your time.  Listen to someone's story.  Help someone with a project that doesn't help you at all.
  Be last.

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