Friday, October 8, 2021

Matthew 20:29-34

Matthew 20:29-34 

  If someone you know is trying to lose weight and you see them eating three Big Macs every night at McDonald's, you'll likely suspect that perhaps they don't quite it.  Or imagine you know someone who is trying to control their impulse spending, and that person is wearing brand new shoes every time you see them.  You'll likely think they don't quite get it, right?
  The great crowd is following Jesus, and yet when two blind men cry out, the crowd rebukes the two men.  They're clearly missing something, right?  Here is Jesus, who consistently has made time, even when heading somewhere else, to heal the broken and tend to the needy.  People wanted the miracles, but they were missing the message.
  So when we read the Gospels, let's be amazed at the amazing things that Jesus does... but let's be sure we read the message, too.  Let's be sure we're listening to the one who sends us to care for the broken and hurting world, who teaches us to love selflessly, to share with the needy, to give, no matter what.

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