Thursday, October 14, 2021

Matthew 24:36-44

Matthew 24:36-44 

  Pop quizzes were so stressful.  Almost as stressful as in-class essays, but not quite, because I remember how much my hand would hurt at the end of 45 minutes of writing.  I suppose students today don't have that same experience -- I doubt I'd be able to write nearly as much as I could back then.  But pop quizzes -- they were a test to see how prepared someone was.  Had they been doing their homework, their reading, their preparing?  Or were you coasting, counting on being able to cram before the announced test?
  No one knows when the Kingdom of God will come.  No one knows when this whole party wraps up.  And so how does one live in the light of such uncertainty?  Jesus doesn't tell us this to make us afraid -- I think the point is so that we don't end up in fear due to people announcing that they know for certain when the end will come.  But we should live in a state of perpetual trust, uncertain of the timing but certain of the outcome.  
  Quizzes aren't so stressful when the teacher has already announced that you will pass the test.  Jesus laid down his life to announce this good news, so may we live in quiet confidence and perpetual trust.

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