Tuesday, April 19, 2022

1 John 2:18-27

1 John 2:18-27 
English Standard Version 

  I'll admit it -- sometimes, I read Biblical passages and get a bit lost in the details.  But I think that's part of what lends credence to the Bible -- it is filled with wisdom that was written to a specific people about specific details.  The first century church was trying to find its way in the midst of extreme opposition, and church leaders were trying to encourage them to remain faithful and warn them about dangers they would face, and they weren't shy about either end.  The world was a tough place for the early church, and no one was hiding that fact, which I appreciate.  
  So what is the message for us?  The world is sometimes a tough place, and we don't always fully understand it all.  But we can take comfort in the assurance that the Holy Spirit is with us, and that God abides with us, even when we're facing opposition that tries to lead us astray.  Opposition does not mean that God has forgotten us -- God is with us, no matter what, and that's a critical reminder, especially when our defenses are weak and we feel isolated and alone.  You are not alone, no matter how lonely you may feel!

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