Monday, April 4, 2022

Psalm 119:137-144

Psalm 119:137-144

  Rachel and I were talking earlier about the geopolitical situation, and it's a bit overwhelming. I can do very, very, very, very little about what's going on around the world, and yet it impacts my life.  I remember my place, and sometimes it can be a bit discouraging when I realize how small I am in comparison to the rest of the world.
  When it comes to God, we have a similar thought, and yet it leads to an entirely different conclusion.  I am small, tiny when compared to God, and yet that doesn't lead me to discouragement -- though I am small, I matter a great deal to God, and doesn't that tell us how amazing God is?  Augustine says that even if you were the only one, God would have died just for you, and that's such an important truth to hold onto.  Though we are small, we are not forgotten.  May it be an encouragement to you today to remember that you matter to God -- you have infinite worth to an infinite God!

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