Wednesday, May 4, 2022

1 John 4:13-17

1 John 4:13-17 

  Did you ever have a class in school where 100% of the final grade depending on the last exam?  I had a few in high school and college like that, and it was stressful.  You wondered if you were really prepared for it and if the final would reflect everything you'd learned over the semester.  
  It's easy to approach judgment day like that, looking forward in fear to the final exam.  What Scripture points to, however, is that we don't have to look forward in fear, but rather can approach it with confidence.  God's love is perfected in us and abides in us, and this gives us confidence to look forward with hope to the final judgment, because we see and understand that God is love and that God pours that love out on us.  
  So if you have confidence when thinking about eternity, how does that shape how you're going to live today?  Knowing that we have no reason to fear, is there anything you'll do today that fear was holding you back from doing?

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