Thursday, October 27, 2022

John 16:16-20

John 16:16-20 

  So Jesus spends 3 years, every day, with the disciples.  He predicted his death and resurrection, speaking plainly about his ability to transform sorrow into joy, and yet when he died on the cross, what did the disciples experience?  Sorrow.  Were they filled with hope and expectation that their sorrow would turn into joy?  It didn't seem like it.  Thomas certainly didn't expect Jesus to turn his sorrow into joy.  He thought there was only sorrow.
  So, too, with us.  We have sorrow, and in the depth of our sorrow, it's so hard to remember Jesus' ability to turn sorrow into joy.  We forget, and we lack imagination, so we live in sorrow and doubt and fear, wondering if joy will come again in the morning.  
  It's so important to continue to pray for God's wisdom to guide our hearts, and for us to sit with those who are in sorrow -- they need someone to gently and compassionately remind them that there is joy for the sorrow, that there is sunrise for the night, that there is hope in despair. No matter how dark the night, there is always some light to shine, now and forever.

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