Wednesday, November 2, 2022

John 18:15-18

John 18:15-18 

  How do you feel when you see others who publicly fail?  In many ways, it reminds us that we're all alike -- those who achieve great heights in society are just like us in so many ways.  I've learned this over and over again, and it's always sobering.
  This Scriptural passage is one of the passages in the Bible that gives me more hope than so many others.  Here's Peter, the guy who will go on to be one of the leaders in the early church.  The primary church in Catholicism is named after him!  And he completely and totally fails at following Jesus when presented with the slightest opposition.  Fortunately, this isn't the end of his story, just as it goes for you and I -- when we fail, even publicly, it's not the end of our story, because Jesus has a way of redeeming and restoring us.  Thanks be to God for grace that covers our sins, even when everyone knows ahead of time that we're going to fail, but we are a community of broken people brought together by a God who restores and redeems!

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