Tuesday, November 22, 2022

John 20:1

John 20:1 

  Discipleship is hard.  The world places so many demands and so many distractions on us -- I get caught up in so many other things I'm trying to do.  These things seem more pressing, even though they're not as important, but the repercussions can be more immediate.
  I wish I had the same mind that was in Mary Magdalene.  She got up early and went to the tomb.  Maybe she knew exactly what she was doing, or maybe she wandered there by accident, lost in her grief, but regardless, she got up and went to the tomb, and because she showed up, she was the first witness to something incredible.  The resurrection of Jesus Christ has changed the entire world, and she was first, because she got up early and went to the tomb.
  I truly believe that getting up early and starting the day with Jesus has the ability to change our lives as well.  I don't do it often enough. I get busy.  I make excuses.  But showing up, day after day... who knows what God might do.  There's no guarantee that every day we'll witness something amazing, but if we don't get up and spend time with Jesus, we'll definitely miss it.  So may we imitate Mary and show up, day after day, trusting in God to be at work.

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