Wednesday, September 25, 2024

1 Samuel 9:1-2

1 Samuel 9:1-2 

  So, what qualifies Saul to be king?
  He's really handsome.
  Also... very tall.
  Looking for any more substance?  Move right along.  
  The people wanted a king that would look like a king.  They wanted someone who might intimidate other kings, who would give the people credibility when they were comparing kings with people from other countries.  They hadn't had a king before, so they wanted someone who would provide no doubt that he was king-type material.
  They got someone who looked very much like a king.  No one would doubt that he qualified in a contest of who could be king based on body structure.
  In the modern world, may we learn this lesson well, and pursue following people of character and integrity, regardless of what they look like.  May we seek out Godly people who follow the Lord and treat others the way they ought to be treated.  May we value a person's actions and words above all else.

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