Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Jonah 3:4-5

Jonah 3:4-5 

  Jonah had a story to tell.  Imagine if Jonah had sat down and told his life story, revealing the journey he went on to get to Nineveh and the amazing ways God intervened in his life to bring him to that place.  It would've been a very compelling story.  I imagine the people of Nineveh would've been amazed.
  But they didn't hear that story.  They didn't hear about all that God had done in Jonah's life.  They received a simple sermon, but that was enough.  The Holy Spirit did an amazing thing, and that was enough.
  See, it doesn't depend on us.  We feel so unworthy much of the time, or we're nervous that we'll say or do the wrong thing.  Jonah shows us here that there doesn't need to be perfection.  God needed Jonah to show up and be a vessel for the message of repentance, and God did the rest.
  In the same way, God needs you to show up in times and places, and God will use you in the lives of people around you.

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