Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mere Christianity

I love this book. One of my all-time favorites, and the book I turn to when Christianity seems to become too academic and threatens to set my head spinning. Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis, is, in my opinion, one of the greatest books written about the Christian faith.

Lewis doesn't set out to uncover new pages in faith, or to say outrageous things that will inspire some and enrage others. Lewis simply lays out why he believes Christianity makes sense and how a Christian should behave. He points out the traps along the way and the obstacles, namely ourselves, that we must overcome in order to be faithful Christians. He never claims moral or intellectual superiority, instead simply offering his opinion and suggesting that the reader subscribe to it if it is helpful, but otherwise, to drop it in favor of something better. Lewis writes humbly, beautifully, brilliantly, and has managed to craft a work that I keep coming back to; it reminds me of how simple and beautiful, yet how demanding and complete, faith in God should be.

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