Thursday, December 4, 2008

John 18:12-24

12-14Then the Roman soldiers under their commander, joined by the Jewish police, seized Jesus and tied him up. They took him first to Annas, father-in-law of Caiaphas. Caiaphas was the Chief Priest that year. It was Caiaphas who had advised the Jews that it was to their advantage that one man die for the people.

15-16Simon Peter and another disciple followed Jesus. That other disciple was known to the Chief Priest, and so he went in with Jesus to the Chief Priest's courtyard. Peter had to stay outside. Then the other disciple went out, spoke to the doorkeeper, and got Peter in.

17The young woman who was the doorkeeper said to Peter, "Aren't you one of this man's disciples?"

He said, "No, I'm not."

18The servants and police had made a fire because of the cold and were huddled there warming themselves. Peter stood with them, trying to get warm.

The Interrogation
19-21Annas interrogated Jesus regarding his disciples and his teaching. Jesus answered, "I've spoken openly in public. I've taught regularly in meeting places and the Temple, where the Jews all come together. Everything has been out in the open. I've said nothing in secret. So why are you treating me like a conspirator? Question those who have been listening to me. They know well what I have said. My teachings have all been aboveboard."

22When he said this, one of the policemen standing there slapped Jesus across the face, saying, "How dare you speak to the Chief Priest like that!"

23Jesus replied, "If I've said something wrong, prove it. But if I've spoken the plain truth, why this slapping around?"

24Then Annas sent him, still tied up, to the Chief Priest Caiaphas.


Our desire to tie up Jesus has been causing us problems since this event. We want to tame him, have him close by and able to fix our problems. We want Jesus under our control, so he will bless our actions and not push us any farther than we are willing to go.

We cannot bind up Jesus in our desires to live free of the demands of Christianity. If we live according to a Scripture that doesn't continue to challenge the way we live and think, the way we spend our time as well as our money, then we are trying to tie up Jesus. If we live in constant prayer, with an attitude of constant worship, and a constant awareness of the love of God that calls us to be Christians in every time and place, then we are allowing Jesus to be free in our lives, pushing and challenging us, while always loving us more than we can ever imagine.


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