Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Psalm 31:19-24

Psalm 31:19-24
Common English Bible (CEB) 

  19 How great is the goodness that you’ve reserved for those who honor you, that you commit to those who take refuge in you— in the sight of everyone! 20 You hide them in the shelter of your wings, safe from human scheming. You conceal them in a shelter, safe from accusing tongues.
  21 Bless the Lord, because he has wondrously revealed his faithful love to me when I was like a city under siege! 22 When I was panicked, I said, “I’m cut off from your eyes!” But you heard my request for mercy when I cried out to you for help.
  23 All you who are faithful, love the Lord! The Lord protects those who are loyal, but he pays the proud back to the fullest degree. 24 All you who wait for the Lord, be strong and let your heart take courage.


  One of our human traits is the ability to underestimate the distant future and overrate the present.  We convince ourselves that present joy is more important than future joy, and so we do things in the present that compromise our ability to enjoy the future.  We don't discipline ourselves because we believe the present is the most important thing.
  I'm not here to say that we can't enjoy the present, but we do need to be reminded that the future is so much more glorious than we can begin to imagine.  When we talk about the honor and glory and greatness of God, our very best words fall short of describing one-tenth of 1% of God's glory.  This glory is worth striving for, worth sacrificing for, worth living for.
  The promises of God are all true, and God will be faithful to them.  Let us put God first in all things, recognizing that it is worth whatever sacrifice we must make in order to bring honor and glory to God.

May God's glory guide you today

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