Monday, January 7, 2019

Isaiah 9:2-7

Isaiah 9:2-7 
English Standard Version (ESV)

  We're in an age of political tumult -- there always seems to be chaos in Washington, and there is conflict in numerous countries.  Like you, I pray for peace where there is violence and wisdom where there is confusion.  I don't spend much time debating whether the Democrats or Republicans are right -- I pray for leaders to have humility to work together for the long-term good of the country and the best interests of the people.  There are days these prayers seem futile, but I worship a God who has raised people from the dead, so I'm not giving up quite yet.
  These prophecies point forward to Christ.  In the midst of worldly chaos, a Messiah would come.  He would break the rule of sin, and he would point forward to the day when the heavenly Kingdom would rule forever and there would be no more night, only light.  One day, you and I will dwell with God in unapproachable light, and violence and chaos will be no more -- every tear will have been wiped away.  I think the Wise Men got a glimpse of this when they visited the Christ child, for they fell before the child and worshiped, because they clearly saw what the future of the child held.  The Prince of Peace, whose reign would have no end, came into the world.
  Knowing that the world will one day be enveloped in peace, and knowing that death shall be nothing but a curtain you pass through on your way into the eternal kingdom of light, how will you live today?

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