Tuesday, August 2, 2022

John 2:6-12

John 2:6-12 

  I bet people were glad to follow him after this!  Who knows what beverages might be transformed next?!
John tells us that the disciples believed in him after this, for it was a manifestation of Jesus' glory.  I heard someone once say that the water looked at the Lord of the universe and blushed.  I love that image.
  The disciples didn't know what was coming.  They likely didn't understand a lot, and if we believe Mark's Gospel, that held true for most (if not all) of Jesus' public ministry.  They hadn't grasped the fullness of the Trinity, and they probably didn't understand the necessity of Jesus' sacrifice for the atonement of sin.
  But they knew majesty when it was in front of them.  They understood power.  They saw water transformed into wine.
  Some people will tell us that people of that age were more ready to believe in magic, but I think we're underestimating them.  People know what water is like, and they know what wine is like.  This may have been 2,000 years ago, but people knew the difference between water and wine.  They saw something incredible, something that couldn't be explained, and they began to understand who Jesus was.
  And so we stand... we've seen and read some, and we know the end of Jesus' story, but we still have a lot of questions.  We don't know everything.  But we know a lot.  
  Is it enough for you to believe?  To trust that he is who he says that he is?  Will you follow wherever he might lead, though the road may be tough?  Will you give everything for Jesus?

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