Monday, August 15, 2022

John 4:39-42

John 4:39-42 

  It's interesting to have children of different ages at the table for meals.  The older ones definitely can get up and get their own drinks, and we've been moving in this direction for a while -- they used to rely on us to get everything, now they only need us when the milk is particularly full.  They definitely prefer when we wait on them, but they're learning to care for themselves, which is valuable as they grow, as Rachel and I are unlikely to continue pouring their milk when they're 30.  We change as we grow.
  In the same way, we see the faith of the Samaritans growing.  They heard about Jesus from the Samaritan woman, and so they explored faith on their own -- they asked him to stay for two days while they asked all their questions.  She provided the introduction; they then had the chance to learn for themselves.  What was initially a faith learned through her became a direct faith through their exposure to Jesus Christ.  
  And may we serve as the same conduit, pointing others to Jesus through our life and our story.  May we invite others to come and see for themselves, trusting in Jesus to show them the truth and God's power!

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