Monday, August 29, 2022

John 6:16-21

John 6:16-21 
English Standard Version 

  One of the soundtracks of our current life is the sound of a child screaming as though a hand has been caught in a power tool whenever the slightest injury occurs that might have the possibility of drawing blood.  It's important to calibrate expectations, because I've found that I don't want to be dismissive of such injuries, but I can't overreact either, because I don't want to enforce the behavior that leads to screaming at the volume of a jumbo jet because two drops of blood have released from a tiny cut.  It's a fine line.  
  There's always a gap between the injury and the band-aid, though.  Healing doesn't happen immediately, and sometimes we try and encourage the child to wait a second and see if it'll heal on its own.  
  I think the same is true of all the challenges we face, and it's true of our prayer life as well.  When the disciples are rowing on the lake, they make it 3 or 4 miles in rough waters before Jesus appears to them.   It must've been a slow ride, especially in the dark of night.  They were likely nervous, wondering where Jesus was.
  But Jesus was coming.  Jesus hadn't forgotten about them, and he would bring them safely to the destination.
  The same is true for you.  Just because prayers haven't been answered or there is still suffering, Jesus is still coming.  Jesus hasn't forgotten about you.  Jesus will bring you safely home.

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