Monday, January 9, 2023

1 Corinthians 1:26

1 Corinthians 1:26

  There was a time when TED Talks were new and invigorating.  I remember watching a few of the first ones and feeling like it was a window into something incredibly exclusive.  It doesn't seem that way now.  Know what I've never seen a TED talk on?  Reminding your audience how low on the social standing totem pole they are.  "Know what fires people up?  Tell them that they fall short of everyone's standards and expectations!  That'll get them going!"
  And yet, here we are.  That's exactly what Paul is doing, and he's doing it to demonstrate how God is doing something remarkable through a humble group of people.  They likely have been reminded all their life, overtly and subtly, that they aren't the movers and shakers, and maybe they look around the room and wonder if they belong, wonder if they'll simply be defeated by the more powerful Roman forces, if the movement they've joined will amount to nothing and they're risking their social status for nothing.
  But Paul is telling them that a theology of the cross isn't about social standing.  It's not about worldly status, for that's not how God works.  Paul is telling them that God can use anything and anyone to advance the Gospel in the world, which opens the door of the congregation to anyone.  You don't have to be ashamed of your past or feel like you're unworthy to join.  God can work in you and through you, as long as you're willing.  It also means that there's no reason to worry if it looks like things are moving against the organization.  Maybe there have been some defeats.  No worry -- God is at work, in spite of earthly defeats.  The heavenly kingdom will not be defeated!

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