Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Mark 14:10-11

Mark 14:10-11 

  There was probably a time in Judas' life when he never could've imagined doing this.  It likely would've appalled him to merely think of betraying Jesus.  He would've reacted like Peter when Jesus told Peter that all the disciples would abandon him.  Judas likely would've denied even having the thought.
  But something happened.  It likely didn't occur all at once, but things changed inside of Judas, and his heart grew cold.  He turned into a different person than the one who chose to follow Jesus at the start, and eventually, that led here.
  There but for the grace of God go I.  We don't know what the future holds.  It's easy to say that we'd never do something, but we've often never experienced the circumstances that others have which have led them to do such things.  May we have pity on one another, extend grace towards one another, and pray for the wisdom and courage to endure the path of discipleship, no matter how hard things get, so that we may be true to our calling and true to our Savior, resisting the temptation to turn aside and let our hearts grow cold.

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