Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Mark 14:53-65

Mark 14:53-65 

  Have you ever decided you didn't like something before you tried it?  Or made a decision about a person before you got to know them?  Maybe you went to a restaurant that didn't look very nice, but the food was fantastic, and you found yourself surprised at how good the food was.  Or maybe you met someone who didn't look like they'd be very impressive, and then you discovered how kind or wise they were.
  The high priests had already decided that Jesus was guilty.  They didn't like the threat that he represented to the power that they held. They saw him as an enemy, and nothing he said would've mattered.  
  I think there are a lot of people in the world who have formed opinions about Jesus based on what they've heard from people other than Jesus.  Maybe they heard a piece of a talk or read something a leading Christian wrote, and that was enough.  It's unfortunate, but people form their opinions based on followers of Jesus.  It's so important that we go to the Gospels, that we hear from Jesus himself, to read his words and learn about his actions, so that we have an unfiltered opinion and hear the wonders and love directly from him.  We can use others to help us learn, to help us grow, but nothing is a substitute for hearing directly from God, in study of the Word and prayer.

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