We're going to have a guest post today: Caleb has declared that he's tired of everyone else speaking for him, and he'd like the chance to voice his own view of the Jones family trip to Tuscaloosa.
So there I was, sleeping beautifully on a Thursday morning, wondering somewhere in the back of my mind why Dad hadn't woken me yet to feed me and dispatch me to the day care, where Dad's care is replaced by the care of ladies who actually know what they're doing with babies! Anyway, I awoke to Mom, which was an awesome surprise, and then I got to eat to my heart's content! No more of this 'stopping when the bottle runs out stuff'--this was the all-you-can-eat buffet, so I had a hearty breakfast. I like to pretend it tasted like eggs and pancakes.
I could sense that something was amiss not only in mom waking me up but also in the way mom and dad were running around. The cats noticed it, too--they were tense, and not in the way that they're generally tense because they realize that mom and dad love me more than them. This was a different kind of tension. The leaving and going somewhere kind of tension. It really hit home when mom fed me again--early! I was excited to dine once more, but I was wary of exactly where they were dragging me off to this time.
It wasn't long before we were in the car. I was excited to see where we were going--so many new things to look at... so many trees... and houses going by... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Wait--where are we? Why did we stop moving? I'm awake, but still in this cramped car seat. Why are all the cars around us stopped? We're not moving and not getting out of the car? What's up with this? I'll fuss and little and see if mom and dad come get me out of here. <commence fussing> Hmmm.... still not working. "Hey dad, why did you stop? What kind of chauffer are you? Dad? Dad? Are you going to answer me? What's this 'traffic' thing you keep mentioning? Wait--are we moving again? Feels like motion. Dad? What's going on? Um..." zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
We stopped again. Dad is sticking something into the side of the car and watching some numbers get really big very quickly. Mom keeps staring at me like she's expecting me to do something. I could eat again... it has been a long time. Hmm... Maybe if I start fussing again I'll get a meal out of this stop. That could be nice. Maybe a chicken pot pie this time? Which fuss should I break out here? Which will get me the best results? I know--I have just the one--let's warm up the vocal pipes a bit--wait, moving again? already? But I was going to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Ok, then we finally seemed to arrive--they began to pull my car seat out of the car, which was a good sign. I didn't recognize the house, and these dogs seemed to be lurking at the door, but I know what to do in these situations--smile! Look at how cute I am! Smile! The ladies love that one!
I got settled in after the first day, but slept like a rock after the big car ride. You have no idea how exhausting it is to be this cute. I was worn out. The next day progressed pretty quickly. I met some new people, who realize how cute I am, so they are cool. Then mom and dad got dressed up and left me with someone whom I have never met. She looked nice, but I decided to test her out--she if she really knew her way around babies. I thought it would be a fun game. Here's how it went: 3. 2. 1. SCREAM!!!!!! Boy, did she look surprised at that one! I was having a ball, so I figured I'd just keep on screaming--I even turned on the waterworks, just to see if I could make her cry, too. She did all the right things, but I've got to train mom and dad to never get too comfortable when they're away. It took her a while, and she did all the right things to soothe me, but I decided to keep screaming anyway, just to let mom know how short the leash was. It worked! I saw the nice babysitter pick up the phone, and just then I decided to take a quick nap. But then I realized that if mom thought I was awake, she might not come visit, so I had to crank up the volume again. About five minutes later, when I figured mom was already on her way home, It hit me how tired I was from all that screaming. This whole being a baby thing is tougher than you think. So I went to sleep. I hope mom smiled at me when she got back to see me.
The next day, they dressed me up smart. And let me tell you, I looked good! The ladies were going to love me for this ceremony that mom and dad kept talking about. I was rocking the vest, and I started dishing out smiles to everyone around. It was going to be a great night!
We got to the church, and soon enough I was in a huge room with tons of people and loud music. There were some people speaking up front, and I waited and waited and waited for them to call me forward, but they never did! I was with mom, but dad was way up at the front of the room (usual dad move there--he's at the front of the church, never hanging out with me in the back!). Suddenly, we got up and started to leave. Before I knew it, I was back in the car seat, and I realized that all those people hadn't shown up to see me! How ridiculous--there I am, cutest baby ever, and no one bothers to set aside time in the service for everyone to stare at how cute I am! I know how to voice displeasure--Scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Soon, though, I was in the reception, and there were plenty of people staring at me again, and I was smiling up a storm, even in the midst of the loud music, but I began to get pretty tired. Seriously cute for a seriously long time equals one seriously tired baby. So I fell asleep in dad's arms. It was a good place to be. I don't even remember the second half of the reception--must have been some good milk I drank, because I was out like a light. I vaguely remember people stopping by to tell mom and dad how cute I was...
but we already knew that, right?
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