Thursday, January 26, 2017

Isaiah 63:10-14

Isaiah 63:10-14
English Standard Version (ESV)

  Here we see a contrast between our human fallibility and the grace and glory of God.  God has poured out his love and forgiveness, and humans rebelled against him.  While this would give God every right to reject us once and for all, instead he pours out his love.  God's name has to be glorified, so he will lead his people out of the depths of sin.
  So God's grace and perfection doesn't depend upon our lack of righteousness.  God is glorified because of who he is and what he has done.  So often our feelings about God depend on us and what our situation is, rather than focusing on God and his glory.  God dwells in unapproachable light and is more perfect than he can imagine.  As his will unfolds in the world and in our lives, it brings him glory.  Our job is to join in glorifying him, and so our vision should be focused on God, rather than ourselves.

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