Isaiah 66:15-24
English Standard Version (ESV)
It's Valentine's Day! How about celebrating by wrapping up the book of Isaiah, reading about endless suffering? Really sets a mood, doesn't it?
The book of Isaiah is filled with clashing images -- at times we are caught up in a rapturous hope as our eyes drink in visions of the glory of heaven. At other times, we shrink back at the images of judgment and wrath that fill the pages, as Isaiah describes (often in great detail) about the end awaiting the enemies of God. Other chapters are filled with warnings to the Israelites about the consequences of their choices.
The book comes to a close here with a call to action. You who have been loved by God, who are infinitely treasured, are charged to play a role, as one sent to declare God's glory among the nations. The end has not yet come, which means that there are still people to be gathered on God's holy mountain. Will we who know the fullness of God's love go out of our way to tell of such love to others? Will our lives be pointed towards God's eternal kingdom, or will we dabble with our own while eternity passes us by?
On Valentine's Day, you are enclosed in a love you can only begin to imagine. That love has made you, it has called you by name, and it will shepherd you throughout the days of your life. In return, how will you love those who are around you?
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