Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Nehemiah 2:14-16

Nehemiah 2:14-16 

  I think of this as the lonely work.  Lonely work is the work you do when no one else is watching.  Lonely work is the preparation work -- people don't see it, and in every field/profession on earth, it's underappreciated.  It's the thousands of practice swings that a professional golfer takes when the cameras aren't trained on her.  It's the exhausting hours of study in medical school that doctors endure.  It's the wearying examination of documents lawyers pore over.  It's the hours of textual study ministers enter into.  It's the prayer closet each Christian is called to.
  When we neglect this work, we often end up unprepared.  It's the research of Nehemiah before he goes before the officials.  He sets off on his own to learn, to prepare, to see.
  May we put in the time and the work.  This is the time that prepares our minds and leads our hearts.  

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