Thursday, March 9, 2023

Nehemiah 3:1-2

Nehemiah 3:1-2 

  If I told you that God called you to rebuild the walls of a giant city, you'd likely be intimidated.  Maybe you'd be so intimidated that you'd quit before you ever really got started.  You'd think the project was impossible, and so you'd leave it for someone else to do, assuming God made a mistake when God called you into the task.
  God has a pretty amazing way of calling people who are underqualified into tasks, and then God equips them as they go.  Along the way, they discover that they don't have to do things on their own.  All they have to do is take the next step, and then see what God has in store once that step is complete.  
  The entire 3rd chapter of Nehemiah, all 32 verses of it, is a list of the various people that start rebuilding the various parts of the wall.  None of them takes the entire section -- they each take responsibility for a small section, and they work on that.  We could probably say that each of them does a fairly unremarkable part of the project in comparison to the whole thing.  But they each take a part.  
  Nehemiah doesn't have to do this on his own.
  You don't have to do it on your own, either, whatever the task may be.  God calls us into things and equips us along the way, and we discover that we aren't on our own.  We're called as a community, into community, and sent together to serve and love as a community.  
  So don't get intimidated, and certainly don't give up!  You'll discover resources along the way.

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