Monday, March 27, 2023

Nehemiah 6:4-9

Nehemiah 6:4-9 

  As someone once said, a lie can travel around the world before the truth has the chance to put on its pants.  This seems as true as ever in the digital age.  People say things without checking, and the corrections never get as much publicity as the initial saying, so it pays to be first more than it pays to be right.  
  The temptation, then, is to give in when attacked, even if you know it to be false.  Take the easy road, rather than fight uphill.
  But Nehemiah shows us the right things to do.  He recognizes that his enemies are using fear as bullies, and he stands up to fear.  
  He also turns to God in prayer -- he knows it won't be easy, but that doesn't stop him from doing what is right.  The world needs people who will stand up to bullies and cling to the truth.  So may we turn to God in prayer for courage, and do what we know to be right.

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