Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Nehemiah 5:9-13

Nehemiah 5:9-13 
English Standard Version 

  I know well the temptation to use more words than less, to try and speak with a flourish, perhaps more than required, when direct speech is what is called for.  More words are not always better -- often, we need to be clear, concise, and direct.
  Nehemiah nails it here in what is one of my favorite passages in Scripture.  As discussed, the wealthy and powerful are abusing their power at the expense of the poor within their own community, and Nehemiah directly calls them out by saying that this thing they are doing is not good.  By failing to honor one another within their community, they're failing to glorify God in sight of their enemies.  Israel is supposed to be an example to the nations, but instead they're doing the same thing as everyone else, and it's not good.  
  The people, to their credit, repent when called out.  They don't try to defend their actions or explain them away... they simply repent and then restore, at cost to themselves -- because forgiveness exacts a cost from the one doing the forgiving.  
  And finally, they do as promised.
  May we do likewise -- to be clear when it is called for in our speech, to repent when we are wrong, and to do as we say.  In doing so, may we be an example to the outside & watching world.

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