Thursday, March 2, 2023

Nehemiah 2:5-8

Nehemiah 2:5-8 

  It's easy to assume that everyone is in stiff competition, but the reality is that there are so many people out there that are eager to help.  They just don't know what or how to give.
  Nehemiah is in an important service role to the king, but his heart and faith lead him back to Jerusalem.  Before he goes, though, he asks the King for material support to help rebuild Jerusalem.  The King gives it willingly, offering passage and timber for Nehemiah to have the resources he needs to rebuild Jerusalem.  If he'd been shy and hadn't asked, he never would have received.
  What are you in need of, and how can you ask for those things from someone who might be willing to give them?
  Likewise, there are probably people who you can encourage to ask for what they're looking for.  If you have resources that you're willing to share, be open and honest with people who might need them.  Perhaps there's a way to help one another as we all walk this road together.

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