Friday, May 19, 2023

Proverbs 3:13-18

Proverbs 3:13-18

  If you were holding a popular vote, I wouldn't like wisdom's chances in modern society when up against some of the other options.  Precious jewels might win by a landslide.
  But precious jewels won't help you when life is falling apart.  Precious jewels don't help you appreciate the gifts of family and friends.  Precious jewels offer little comfort in the dying embers of the day.
  Wisdom, however, offers a road of peace and a way to life.  Those who cling to wisdom understand the gifts of community and the true meaning of life -- they keep perspective when the cards are against them, and the fear of God keeps them from fearing other threats that nip at their heels.  
  Wisdom may not be popular, but it's prudent, and will keep you stable on the path through life, and only wisdom will show you the way through the veil that separates this world and the next.

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