Monday, May 22, 2023

Proverbs 4:23-27

Proverbs 4:23-27 
English Standard Version 

  I once went to Costco and only bought one thing -- it was a proud moment for me.  Typically, I go into Costco for 5 things and come out with 15.  Every time I go in there, or any grocery store, I inevitably end up with way more than I anticipated, because my eyes stray and so many things look good in the heat of the moment.  I'm not disciplined enough to stick to my list, so I buy whatever is appealing.
  We can go through life this way if we're not careful -- we chase what is appealing in the moment.  It's always easier to pursue entertainment on our phones, or take the easy shortcut, rather than to stay disciplined and focused and pursue what we want.
   Take a moment on this Monday morning -- write out what you want from the day, from the week.  What do you need to ignore, to put away, to achieve this?  How can you ask for God's help to set your eyes forward, to keep your feet from straying?  Maybe you need help from a friend to avoid an addiction or temptation.  Whatever it takes, ponder the path of your feet before you set out.  Take some time to consider the next steps, and if you do so, you can walk with purpose, rather than just hoping you end up where you want to be.  

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