Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Psalm 46:4-7

Psalm 46:4-7 
English Standard Version

  A few years ago, I spent an hour in a deprivation tank.  It was marvelous -- complete quiet for an hour, with no outside disturbances.  There could've been aliens invading outside that tank, and I wouldn't have known about it.  My phone didn't buzz, no one told me about things that needed to be done... it was peaceful.  
  I think about that when I read about the city of God.  Inside those walls, there is peace.  Nations may be raging on the outside, but we are in a fortress that shall not be moved.  God's voice can melt every opposing force outside the city walls -- what are we to worry for if God can do that?  It's like attacking a tiger with a toothpick when a hunter stands behind us, ready to defend us.  
  When we're in a place of peace, it doesn't matter what's on the outside.  We spend our lives with a vision, with glimpses, of that promised heavenly kingdom, and we try and practice for it, living with the confidence of children.  We won't know the full peace until we arrive in fullness in that place, but for now, let us try and capture a little bit of that peace each and every day.

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