Monday, May 8, 2023

Psalm 63:5-8

Psalm 63:5-8 
English Standard Version 

  Martin Luther talks about the human heart as a factory of idols, because what happens is we take worldly pleasures and make them the ultimate end, when in reality, all the worldly pleasure should point beyond itself to the maker of all pleasures.  The beauty in the world should point us to God's beauty.  Rich and wondrous food should lead us to anticipate the heavenly banquet and the God who gives us good things.  Joyous moments with friends and family point to the relationship of the Trinity and the community of the body of believers.  Everything good and wonderful points to God and leads us into worship if we allow it.  It's easy to stop and begin to worship the beautiful things itself, but Scripture is always pushing us beyond that, so that we see the richness of God in every good thing.

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