Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Colossians 1:1-8

Colossians 1:1-8 

  What inspires you?  Maybe it's stories of people who go beyond normal generosity and give to the limit of their means to support certain organizations.  It could be the people who walk or bicycle across the country to raise money or awareness for a cause.  
  We all get inspired by the way certain people live their lives.  They could be examples for us to follow, or maybe the way they live lifts up your spirits whenever you hear an update.  I know of certain people who are simply always happy, always content, and that's an inspiration to me.
  The church that Paul is writing to in Colossians demonstrated such love for others that word was getting out.  The faith in Christ was so deeply rooted that it naturally impacted the way they treated other people, and they did it in such a selfless way that people in other towns were hearing about it.  They learned the Good News of the Gospel, took it into the depths of their hearts, and it changed their world and the lives of those who heard reports of their love.
  I doubt that we can all live like this... but wouldn't it be great if we tried?  Imagine who it is that you'll spend time with today.  How can you show selfless love to them in the style of the early church?

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