Friday, May 3, 2024

Colossians 1:15-20

Colossians 1:15-20 

  Do you believe this is true?  
  It's the central question each person on the planet needs to answer for themselves.  I think it's easy to go through life on autopilot, focusing only on whatever urgent issue is before us, dealing with that for the day and then trying again tomorrow.
  If the Gospel isn't true, and Jesus Christ isn't the image of the invisible God, then that's fine, I guess.  If it isn't true, then nothing will really matter in the end, and we are simply random chances that are here for a moment.
  If the Gospel is true, however, and Jesus is who he says that he is... then this matters supremely, right?  If Jesus is truly before all things, and he is the one through whom all things hold together, and the fullness of God dwells in him and he has reconciled all things to himself, then what he says and does should matter more than anything else in our lives.  We shouldn't be able to go through an hour, let alone an entire day, without considering the weight of this, which should be an encouragement and joy to our very souls because of the Good News the Gospel is for us.  If this is true, then everything should be oriented around this, because it's the only thing that will carry on through death. 
  The only thing that can't be true is that it barely matters at all.  The Gospel shouldn't be able to live on periphery of our lives if we consider it to be true, because that would be taking a treasure worth more than billions of dollars, which can't help you live forever, and giving it negligible importance while you worry about some minimal problem.
  So may we think seriously about the truth of the Gospel.  If we believe that the historical evidence is reliable, which I think it is, then how can we elevate the Gospel to a central place in our lives?

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