Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Colossians 4:2-6

Colossians 4:2-6 

  There's always pieces of Paul's letters where the advice is solidly practical.  You could pull this out of his letter and use it as a guide for the week today, thousands of years later, and you wouldn't be led astray.  If we are steadfast in prayer, seeking for the doors God will open where we can discuss the mystery of Christ, then that is what we ought to do.  When we approach outsiders with wisdom and humility, filled with grace, we make the church look desirable.  I'd love for the world to see the church as a place where we seek wisdom.  The biggest question the church has to answer for the world is whether the Gospel is true.  If it is true, and Jesus really did rise from the dead, then everything else is less important than this.  If it is true, then all the questions we have take a different tone, because we have to submit to Jesus Christ, even if there are things we don't fully understand.  If the Gospel is true, then that's the most important thing in the world, so the church should be a place where we pursue the Truth and ask big questions and wrestle with the implications of the truth of Jesus dying and rising from the dead.  
  May we be steadfast in prayer, humble in approach, and wait for the Holy Spirit to provide opportunities to proclaim the Good News.

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