Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Colossians 2:13-15

Colossians 2:13-15 

  We don't like to pay attention to the beginning of verse 13.  We like to think of ourselves as pretty good people, not dead in our sins.  But to God, when we dwelt in sin, we were separated from God, which is the same as dead.  When God created us and brought us to life, God made us in God's image, which we tarnished by introducing sin to it.  We had a debt that we were unable to pay, and we had no collateral to make things right.  
  All of it, our death, our debt -- it's all gone.  The most mundane setting can be transformed into a wintery wonderland by a snow falling over it.  It covers unsightly places and they're pure.  If you've ever been the first one awake on a snowy morning, you can look out in wonder at a world re-created, with all the ugly parts hidden.
  That's how God views us now.  Everything was buried under a sheet of snow, and all God sees when God looks at us is the beauty of Christ's righteousness.  That is the triumph of Christ, performed at great cost, but done because you are absolutely treasured and beloved.

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