Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Colossians 1:24-29

Colossians 1:24-29 

  Either Christ is who he says he is, in which case everything, and I mean absolutely everything, is of second order importance, or he isn't, in which case all of it is academic.  I choose to believe that the historical evidence supports that he is who he says he is, and that the church grew as a result of passionate disciples who believed because of what they saw, along with others who also witnessed the risen Lord.  Ever since, the church has been growing, and it truly is a divine mystery, filled with riches.  We don't grasp all of it, but we know enough, and based on what we've seen, it's miraculous, this hope of glory.  Based on what we know to be true, how could we do anything other than proclaim this good news, this mystery that has been revealed to us.  We are compelled to tell the life-changing story of God working in us!!!  Everything else takes a backseat to this glorious good news!  

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