Feel overwhelmed? Guilty for not living the life of the spirituality master that you feel like you should be living? Wondering how to cram one more thing into an already overwhelmed schedule?
Doug Field has written a great little (it's 113 pages, and they're small pages, too!) book called
that I'd recommend. It's simple and strips away a lot of the complexity that we pastors often like to add to the spiritual life. Rather than trying to guilt Christians into half an hour devotions each morning, noon and night, Fields has a three step process: 1) Stop, 2) Be Quiet, and 3) Connect with God. That's it. It can be as simple or as complicated as you like, take thirty seconds, thirty minutes or thirty hours. It depends on the reader, but it's geared towards those who have too much to do and feel drained. It's a way to help recognize God in our midst, a way to help us find the restorative grace that surrounds us, that we have often shut out by our own stubborn desires to do this on our own.
Refuel is a short, cheap book (You can find it for a few bucks on Amazon) that is meant to offer guidance on living the spiritual life most of us long for. I'd recommend you spend the hour or two it takes to read this book, and see where you can find the places to put it to use in your own life.
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