Thursday, April 30, 2015

A Prayer for Thursday, April 30

Holy God,
  You astound me. Your mercies flow like rain, and your grace surrounds me.  Power and honor are yours, and yet you are love.  You are all-knowing, and yet willing to forgive.  We are uncertain and often confused, and yet you are focused on loving and restoring us.  You redeem.  You save.  In you is perfection and wonder and might.
  You reign from a throne of unapproachable light, and you beckon us forward, into true and everlasting life.  You send your Son to show us the way, and your Spirit guides us to our true home, in you.
  May we rest in you, delight in you, take comfort in you, find shelter in you, be strengthened in you, and never depart from your presence.


Jonah 1:7-17

Jonah 1:7-17
English Standard Version (ESV)

  How's this for evangelism?  Jonah runs away from God, who then sends a storm that threatens an entire ship's life.  When Jonah reveals the truth, the men are desperate to avoid casting him into the sea, willing to risk their lives to save his.  Eventually, they pray to God for forgiveness for what they have to do, and they toss Jonah into the sea.  When the storm ceases, the men then worship the Lord out of awe for all that has happened.
  We'll get around to Jonah in the rest of the book, but it's amazing what happens here.  In most versions of the story, these men get no attention, but I think that what happens on the boat is important.
  First of all, they're willing to risk their own necks to save Jonah's.  Also, when they see what God is doing in Jonah's life, they worship the Lord.  They recognize the power of God, even though Jonah is resisting that power.  Jonah is willing to be open and honest about his struggle with God, and God does wonders in the world around them to help the sailors see that God is real and active.
  Our lives don't have to be perfect to be used by God.  We only need to be willing to be open about our relationship with God, even though it isn't perfect.  God does all the heavy lifting--but we need to let God work through us.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

A Prayer for Wednesday, 4/29/15

  Light radiates through the window, illumining the room, showing me what is here.
  Your Holy Spirit does the same--it pours forth, surrounding me, showing me the world as you see it, pointing out people to love, actions to take, prayers to pray.
  Your Spirit pokes and prods, pushes and pulls, this heart into following you throughout the day.  I often resist, but you continue to call me forth, out of my shell, into engaging with the world.
  May these ears listen for your voice, and may these eyes see as you see, that my life may be in alignment with your Kingdom, and that I might pursue your love today.


Jonah 1:1-6

Jonah 1:1-6
English Standard Version (ESV)

  Imagine being on a first century boat in the midst of a mighty tempest, a storm so strong the ship is threatening to break up.  It's so bad that all cargo is being thrown into the sea in the hopes of saving the lives of those on board.  In the midst of all this, Jonah is somehow asleep.  How would one sleep in the midst of this?
  I think Jonah could only sleep because he had given up hope.  He didn't expect to make it through, and he slept the sleep without expectation.  He had fled from God, and when the storm came, he recognized it as punishment and gave up hope.
  But God didn't give up hope.  God was pursuing Jonah, but not to punish -- to redeem.  God wanted to restore Jonah, and a dramatic entry was what it was going to take.  God didn't turn away from Jonah when Jonah ran--God ran after him.
  God doesn't give up on us, no matter what.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A Prayer for Tuesday, 4/28/2015

  We are a broken people in a broken world.

  I don't know what to make of our common sin.  At times it seems as though we can live together in peace, even if it seems like that peace is jumbled & held together by duct tape and whatever else we can find.  At other times it seems as though we might tear ourselves apart.  Frustration and anger spills over, and a small spark catches the wind and is carried into a combustible situation, and the night seems to explode with years of pent-up aggression.  I wonder where we go from here.

  Lord, you are a God of healing & comfort.  You are also a God of justice and righteousness.  You have promised to set all things right, to defeat and destroy sin, both personal and systemic.  You can understand the whole situation of which we only see a glimpse.

  Grant us your light, Lord, that we may see as you see.  Help us to understand how you are at work in the world, in our hearts, in places like Baltimore and Libya and Syria, where the chaos seems so complete that a way forward is difficult to imagine.  Bring us together by your grace, that your mercy may be sufficient to cut through our division, that the power of your love may restore relationships and craft a charter for us to go forward as a people of peace, where all are welcome and equal, so that none may be disenfranchised, but all will be the members of one community, standing strong on pillars that you have set for us.


Psalm 150!!

Psalm 150 
English Standard Version (ESV)

  We made it!
  We've been working our way through the Psalms, chapter by chapter, and the Psalms have been working their way through us, day by day.  We read them, and they renew us.  We take them in, and they challenge us, comfort us, guide us.  We have completed this leg of the journey, and we begin anew.
  Life is filled with moments of celebration where we stop, take a deep breathe and give thanks for the accomplishment, however big or small it may be.  Perhaps it's the completion of a years-long journey to complete a degree, or perhaps it's one day without a drink.  Whatever the occasion is, we stop and give thanks, praising God for what he has helped us accomplish.  And then, when the moment is done, we move forward into the uncertain future, praying for strength to undertake the next leg of the journey.
  One of my favorite hymns is Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee.  In it, there is a line:  Ever singing, march we onward, victors in the midst of strife.  I believe this captures our life--we go forward, singing the praise of God, confidant in his victory over sin and death, despite the strife and heaviness of the world around us.

May you celebrate today

Monday, April 27, 2015

A Prayer for Monday, 4/27

The Lord is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want

Gracious, Holy, Ever-present God,

  Remind me that in you, I shall want for nothing

  Awaken my heart to the reality of your abundant provisioning

  Restore my confidence in you, and help my eyes see that I reach for so many things, believing they will comfort, that they will soothe my anxious mind, when in fact only you can provide for all my wants

  Give me peace in knowing that I am fully restored and redeemed through the love of Jesus Christ, a love that knows no bounds

  Help me see this life as an opportunity to use my gifts to join with you in building an eternal kingdom, rather than a frantic time to try and build my own little kingdom that will not stand up against the waves of time

  Grant me your peace, your wisdom and love, that I may use my time well and rest in you, my God and my Shepherd, in whom I shall want for nothing


Psalm 149

Psalm 149 
English Standard Version (ESV)

 So often we worry about getting it right, about making sure that we satisfy what we perceive as the demands of a faithful life.
  One important thing is to remember that God takes pleasure in you--he delights in you, as a creator delights in his creation, as a father delights in his children.
  Children bring joy to their parents.  (They bring other emotions at times, too, but those are usually fleeting.  Out of deference to theme of joy, I won't list them.)  A father takes joy in watching his child play, in watching his child grow.  God takes delight in you, and when you turn to God in thanks and praise, it brings him joy all the more.
  As you go into today and whatever it holds, be encouraged by knowing that you are bringing joy to the Creator of the universe!

Friday, April 24, 2015

A Prayer for Friday, 4/24/2015

Holy God,
  Thank you.
  Thank you for the sunrise, which marks the beginning of a new day, illumining the world around.
  Thank you for a warm & safe place to sleep, a blessing that many in this world do not have.
  Thank you for food to eat, a gift I take for granted.
  Thank you for work, both the opportunity and ability to take part in it.
  Thank you for family, for friends, for community, for a safety net that gives me the freedom to leap.

  Thank you, my God and Savior, for so many gifts that often go unnoticed, taken for granted.  You have poured life and love into me, and I pray that praise may sound from my lips and resonate in my heart.  May I be ever grateful for the good gifts you give, and may your light shine through my life that all may know the source of my joy and my hope.


Psalm 148

Psalm 148 
English Standard Version (ESV)

  The most natural thing we can do is praise the Lord, for it is he who made us, crafted us from nothing, and has animated us, given us life.  We owe everything to God, and his deep & abiding love is poured out into our lives moment after moment.  Every breath, every heartbeat, every day is a gift from God, and so we are invited to praise him in response.
  God doesn't turn back from us if we don't praise him.  God still loves us, even if we ignore and neglect our relationship with God.  Like the father of the prodigal son, God eagerly anticipates reunion with every person who is far from him.  God loves purely and deeply, and the eternal love of God will be waiting with open arms for all who choose to run to him.
  God loves you.  God treasures you.  God redeems and restores you.
  In response, let us praise the Lord!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Prayer for Thursday, 4/23

Holy God,
  You have planted seeds in my heart.  These seeds are filled with goodness and wisdom, and if they grow to maturity they will yield rich fruit that can enrich my life and the lives of those around me.
  Grant me the wisdom to water them.
  Water is a scarce resource, Lord, and I often choose to focus my attention and resources on things that do not water these seeds.  I pour out energy for things that are not of you, and I neglect the treasures you have hidden within me.  May I attend to your Word and your presence, that I may grow in you, that your seeds may grow and bear fruit for your Kingdom.
  Give me eyes to see and ears to listen, that I may not pursue my own selfish ends, but rather choose to love and serve you with all my heart.


Psalm 147:12-20

Psalm 147:12-20
English Standard Version (ESV)

  I send a lot of emails that don't get responses.  Often, this is expected, but sometimes it is a disappointment.  I don't know if they aren't read, or if people just get too busy to respond.  I wonder if they have any effect.
  God's Word goes out into the world, too.  But God's Word has power, because it is alive and infused with the Holy Spirit.  God's Word brings action--God can speak the world into being, and God's world changes the course of events.  God's Word becomes incarnate in Jesus Christ, and it helps us better understand ourselves and God.  The more we study this Word, the more we are drawn to the God who stands behind it, who speaks words of love and mercy.
  God's Word is a gift to us, and it changes the world as well as us.  May we have the wisdom to continue to open the Word and give it the opportunity to do a work in us.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A Prayer for Wednesday, 4/22

  A star that shines in the distance can feel so small in the night sky.  It can seem dwarfed by the darkness, and I sometimes wonder what difference it makes at all.
  That star, however, only feels small due to the distance between us.  Up close, it is a blazing, massive presence in whatever galaxy it resides.  While it seems safe from the surface of Earth, I could not approach it and expect to live.
  Lord, remind me of your power.  You are purely righteous and dwell in unapproachable light.  Mortals cannot see you and live.  Remind me to worship you with a spirit of awe, to dwell upon the thought of your throne and be amazed at your majesty.  I should not approach you casually, but rather be caught up in awe and wonder at who you are, maker of the worlds.  May I not let the thought of you remain distant and cold, but rather trust that you are blazing and near, purifying the world of sin and brokenness so that your kingdom may reign.
  Teach me, Lord, to be amazed, so that I might be transformed by gratitude and wonder, that I may join in building your kingdom.


Psalm 147:1-11

Psalm 147:1-11
English Standard Version (ESV)

 All is not as it should be.  There is drastic inequality, there is pain and mourning and suffering.  Hundreds die trying to leave their own countries to find a place of peace.  Diseases steal lives, young and old, too soon.  Conditions torture the minds of the healthy, and people seek their own power, rather than trying to enrich the lives of others.
  All is not as it should be, but God is using his abundant power to set things right.  The Kingdom is drawing near, and God is at work in the hearts and minds of all to restore things to how they should be, so that the peace and prosperity that was abundant in the beginning shall once more be the case.  God is binding up the broken, and God is restoring the despondent.  You will not be forgotten, and you will not be lost, because God loves you.
  May you be guided by hope today

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A Prayer for Tuesday, 4/21/2015

All-mighty God,

  I get caught up.

  I get caught up in the world around me, in the pursuit of my own dreams, trying to make myself relevant and successful and important.  I get caught up in desiring what the world tells me I should desire, and I get caught up in the marketing of things.  I wind up pursuing the wrong things, and my heart fills itself with material desires and a hunger for my own legacy.

  Lord, when I get distracted and caught up, give me the wisdom and space to create a moment to catch my breath and remember what is true and right and lasting--that your kingdom is the eternal kingdom, and that my life should be oriented around your goals, not my own.  Teach me to empty myself, so that your Holy Spirit may so fill me that the depths of my being praise you.  May I get caught up in praise and worship, joining with the heavenly choir and singing your praises as I live.


Psalm 146

Psalm 146
English Standard Version (ESV)

  The Lord is good.  This morning, you will see wonders that should amaze you.  The sun will rise over the horizon, the stars will fade with the morning, flowers will be in bloom, grass will be lush and green, and so many more things in the world around will happen, all because God has created them and called them into being and bestowed them with beauty and grace.
  The same God who has created the beauty of the world around you has created you, knitting you together in your mother's womb, crafting you as a unique creation.  God loves you, treasures you, and when you turned from God in sin, God ran to you, offering forgiveness, grace and eternal life.  God was willing to pay the price of sin so that we might have an eternal relationship with God, so be amazed at the depth of God's love.
  The Lord is so very good. Let us praise!!

Monday, April 20, 2015

A Prayer for Monday, 4/20/2015

  On this new morning,
  As I head into a new opportunity,
  May I remember how near you are.

  May this memory drive me to whisper a word to you,
  Now and again,
  That I may not forget that my primary purpose is to worship you.

  May this memory also remind me,
  To flee from sin,
  That I might not dishonor you in my thoughtless actions.

  Thank you for a new day.
  May this life praise you.


Psalm 145:13-21

Psalm 145:13-21
English Standard Version (ESV)

  The Lord is near, and he satisfies our desires.
  We often feel like prayers go unanswered, and sometimes that is hard.  Sometimes this is a result of our desires being twisted--if I spend all my time and energy praying for a helicopter, my unanswered prayer may be more God teaching me that I don't need a helicopter, rather than God simply denying me my needs.
  But how do we reconcile those instances when we pray for desires that seem good and right and true?  When we pray for the healing of a loved one, or for the success of a child, and those things don't come about, what then?
  God has the ability to take the long view, to see that ultimate healing and peace come about in his eternal home.  God knows that true victory is the eternal and final victory over death.  Since we live on one side of the veil of death, and cannot see through to the other side, we struggle to understand exactly how God works.
  Let us endeavor to live with patience and trust in God, continuing to pray and hoping for the Spirit's illumination, so that we might better know how God is at work.

Friday, April 17, 2015

A prayer for Friday, 4/17

  Mold my mouth today, that the words that it speaks may give praise to your name.  I invest such energy in speaking of things that are often not of you, that I pray this morning that you shape my speech in a way that brings honor to you.
  Scripture tells me that speech is an overflow of the heart, so my dishonorable words may simply be reflecting the parts of my heart that are dishonorable.  Cure this, Lord, by the power of your Holy Spirit.  Change my heart in such a way so that my one desire is to bring glory to you.  Cure me of the desire to build my own kingdom, and may I seek yours with all my heart.


Psalm 145:1-12

Psalm 145:1-12
English Standard Version (ESV)

  Alleluia, Amen!
  All of God's works shall join in the eternal chorus that is praising his name.  Our voices shall fall into the rhythm that will, one day, be as natural as our heartbeat--praise to the God who created, to the God who is glorious in his splendor, who is wonderful.  Every moment we meditate on this majestic God is a moment wisely spent, a moment preparing for eternity. Our God is grace, mercy and peace, and the more time we search for God in this life, the more those qualities will sear themselves into our lives.
  God is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.  These are the qualities we strive to have as parents, and these qualities are what God reveals as our gracious Father.  He loves us, and he forgives our faults and failures.  Sin angers him, but he doesn't immediately lash out in vengeance, but rather seeks us out and encourages us to repent and be made new.

  God loves you.  May our lives praise his name for this love!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

A Prayer for Thursday, April 16, 2015

Good morning Lord.
  Thank you.
  You have poured out blessings upon me, even though I'm often too busy to say thank you.  Even when I fail to acknowledge you, you shower goodness into my life.  I am blessed with this very life, with food in my stomach, a roof over my head and loved ones around me.  Such goodness is undeserved, but you are the master of undeserved kindness, of affection that has not been earned.  You are the Father, pouring out love upon his children, and for that my heart says thank you.
  As I go about this day, may your Spirit remind me to be grateful.  May the wonders and beauty of this world upon which my eyes feast be reminders to me of your eternal goodness, and when I see pain and suffering and brokenness, may I remember that the light of your love is intended to shine through me.  May my hands help mend the broken, and may I join in your eternal project of loving the world, no matter what.


Psalm 144:9-15

Psalm 144:9-15
English Standard Version (ESV)

  So many things go by in our lives.  Unexpected surprises take us back, leave us grateful beyond wonder or in tears.  We build or invest in a project that pans out or fails at the last moment.  We have relationships that leave us grateful and ones that make us question everything.  So much is packed into this life.
  We are blessed.  The sun rose this morning, and we were given a new day.  We take a deep breath and the miracle of life fills our lungs.  We have another chance, another opportunity, another day to live in this world.  We can live knowing that God loves us completely, without cause or condition, because he has made us.  God searches and seeks us out, pursuing us with a passionate love.  God treasures you, and he has given you another day.
  You are blessed.  We are blessed.
  Let us be grateful

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A Prayer for Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Mighty God,
  Here in this moment, all is well.  As I bow before your throne and immerse myself in that unapproachable light, I am in awe of your glory and so grateful for your love.  I picture the purity that emanates from your right hand, and I feel it wash clean my soul, that I am white as snow.  Flashes of lightning reveal how you hold the world in your hand, and I catch my breath at the wonder of it all.
  Father, in a few moments I will leave this moment and go back into the world, into the busy-ness and chaos that swirls around, the demands of a schedule and the needs of others pulling on my attention.  The eyes of my heart will be tugged by temptation and the appetites I have developed over the years, and I may no longer see you, let alone to see the world the way you see it, as a precious and dear place that should be loved fiercely.
  As I go out, grant that your Holy Spirit might enable me to remember to worship, and that the sense of worship that is embedded within might transform how I live and how I act, that the reality of the nearness of your Kingdom might help me consistently live as one who worships the Living God.


Psalm 144:1-8

Psalm 144:1-8
English Standard Version (ESV)

 There are many stories about uneven relationships, about the lion who cares for the ant, about the small child and the great leader who form a relationship.  They always surprise, because we wonder why the great and powerful invest time and care in the lowly.
  God reaches down and cares for us.  He dwells with us, protects us, provides for us, loves us, trains us.  God longs for us to live abundant and faithful lives, and so God sends the Holy Spirit to dwell with us, to guide our feet and hearts and minds so that we choose wisely.
  May we have the wisdom to listen to the nudging of the great and wise God, who is guiding us through this life so that we might live into our calling as faithful disciples.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A Prayer for Tuesday, 4/14/2015

Majestic Lord,
  Whispers of despair chatter at the corners of my life, constantly reminding me of who I have been and what I am not.  They point to the darkness in my soul, to the crushing memories of failures that have surely brought shame to who I have claimed to be.  They always lurk, quietly at times and demanding at others, curating attention and making me wonder why you would invest such love in me.
  Remind me, O God, that the truth of your Gospel is not about me, but the story is centered around you, in Jesus Christ.  It's not about me, but rather about how I can empty myself before your heavenly throne, bowing low before the cross and recognizing the power and love you have.  Teach me once more this day, Holy Spirit, to pour myself out that your love may fill me, that the voices that orient me selfishly and inward may be silenced by the chorus of angels and saints who are singing your name, and rather than dwell on what I have done, may I strain the very corners of my soul to join that chorus and praise you with all that I am, have been and ever shall be.


Psalm 143

Psalm 143 
English Standard Version (ESV)

 I am unworthy of God's love and deserving of death, and yet God mercifully reaches out and washes me clean in the blood of Christ, preserving my life and securing for me an eternal weight of glory and a victory over death.
  Yet, let's be honest--it doesn't always feel like this, does it?  Life isn't one big coronation parade to the grave.
  This is how our feelings betray us -- even though it doesn't always feel like we're rushing onwards to face our eternal destiny of life and joy and peace, it is still true.  Just because your feelings and your circumstances are trying to communicate despair and struggle, the Gospel is still true--you are still destined for eternal life in Christ, and the all-powerful love of God still dwells in and around you, protecting you and strengthening you, preparing you for the fullness of life in the Kingdom.
  God is at work in and around you, giving you glimpses of your future in Him.  Just because you cannot see them is not cause for despair.  Remember who you are, and remember what God has done for you, and think that that there are untold riches of grace still to come.

Monday, April 13, 2015

A Prayer for Monday, 4/13/15

Beloved God,
  You hem me in so completely.  You are intimately acquianted with all my ways.  You know the depths of my heart more fully than I shall ever understand.  You are aware of the things of which I am most deeply ashamed.
  Yet, Lord, you love me.  Knowing my every fault, you reach out in redemptive love to redeem me, to claim me back from the clutches of sin and death, and you do so at great cost.  You sacrifice your very self so that I might be yours.
  As I lie awake and listen to my son cough, my heart quivering in pain on account of his suffering, I get a small glimpse into the heart of the Father, who loves with such reckless abandon that the death of his son was not too great a price to pay so that sin would no longer be the destiny of those who believe.  I long to run to him, to comfort him, to do whatever I can to make him whole, and I feel deep pain at the very thought of his suffering.  What love you have for us, Lord.
  My Lord & God, give me the courage, wisdom, devotion and strength to honor the love you share.  May I be wise and seek your Kingdom rather than my own, and may my heart, my words, my thoughts and my deeds be offered as praise to you.


Psalm 142

Psalm 142
English Standard Version (ESV)

 Verse 3 is the one that stands out to me:  when our spirit faints, the Lord God knows our way.
  God knows us better than we know ourselves.  He knows our intentions, the very depths of our hearts.  He knows how we plan to invest our time and energy.  He knows our preferences and our deepest loves and joys.  He knows our pains, our regrets, our faults that no one else is aware of.  God loves us through all of this, working through the power of the Holy Spirit to correct our faults and guide us into the wise paths.
  Think about how completely God knows you--when you don't even know the next step forward, God does.  When you are shrouded with uncertainty or doubt, when the turmoil of life has so thickly veiled your way that you do not even know what to do next, God knows our way.  He knows what needs to come next, and through the nudging of the Spirit and the work of God through brothers and sisters in Christ, God points the way for the next step, and then the one beyond that, and then the next, so that we are nudged along the path towards redemption, one communal step at a time, in such a way so that we are not even sure how we arrived at such a place of grace, but we are grateful that we are there.

May you sense the Spirit's presence and guidance along the way

Friday, April 10, 2015

A Prayer for Friday (4/10)

  By the end of the week, my body and mind have grown weary.  I've exerted much energy on things, some of which bring honor to you, some of which do not.  I pray that you forgive my failings, and that you strengthen me for what is to come.  Grant me wisdom to know which way to choose, and courage to follow wherever you may lead.  May honoring you occupy my mind and heart.


Psalm 141

Psalm 141
English Standard Version (ESV)

  I think we tend to take the presence of evil and sin in our lives for granted.  We know we're not perfect, we know we're often far from it, so we stop striving.  We allow the reality of forgiveness to erode our motivations to strive for perfection.
  It's a healthy thing to not fear sin, knowing that Christ's victory on the cross has taken away its power.  We don't have to strive for perfection out of fear, but we should do it out of love.  Christ died to defeat sin, so we should flee from it, striving to honor God, showing our gratitude by doing whatever we can to root sin's presence from our lives.  By avoiding the thing that led Christ to the cross, we demonstrate our gratitude for what Christ has done.  It's not fear that should keep us from sin, but love.

May the love of Christ guide your way

Thursday, April 9, 2015

A Prayer for Thursday, 4/9/15

Dear God,
  There seems to be little peace in the world around me.  Traffic is rushing by.  There is chaos and violence in the streets.  There is a sense of hurry within my soul.  There is so much to do.
  Remind me of the still small voice in which you speak, and slow me down enough to hear it.  May my slow, deep breaths remind me of the rhythms of eternity, marching forward, closer to your kingdom, where all will be made well.  Open my eyes and heart, Lord, that I may see my small part in your kingdom, and that I may trust that you will use me, at whatever speed I'm moving, and may I find peace in your grace and in your love, knowing that is enough for me.


Psalm 140:6-13

Psalm 140:6-13
English Standard Version (ESV)

 Hearing such wishes for one's enemy puts us in a strange place --- for we have heard the command of Jesus to love one's enemy, and yet (if we are honest) we have probably had such thoughts about our own enemies.
  I believe this Psalm is about trusting in God to take care of things.  It is a call to trust in God to set things right in the end, a belief that there will be a final piece of justice that will punish the wicked and reward the good.  (Of course, we have to allow God to decide who is wicked and who is good.  That one isn't for us.  We can guess, but we aren't the final determiners.)
  Letting God be the final judge frees us from trying to figure out just who is in and who is out.  When we see injustice in the world, we can join in the struggle to set it right, but if can't figure out how best to put the pieces back together, and if those who violate others seem to get away with it, we can console ourselves with the knowledge that God will, one day, make sure that all is well.
  It's not a free pass to stop caring about what goes on in the world.  It is, however, a call to gratitude that we don't have to fix everything in the world.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

A Prayer for Wednesday, 4/8/15

O Lord, my God,
  Today I pray for the simple courage
    To live as though I am not the center of the universe
    To speak as though I do not have all the answers
    To listen as though my heart is not full of self-concern.

My blessed Savior,
  I pray for my eyes to have sight
    So that I might see the needs of the world
    So that I might see the hurt and ache of my brothers and sisters
    So that I might not see myself in the center.

Holy Spirit,
  Move within my heart
  Make room for your voice, for your love, for your grace,
    That I might discover once more the feeling of awe
      In the hopes that this life might honor you
    So that my hands might serve you
      And that my life might be used to celebrate your love and your power
        In all that I do.


Psalm 140:1-5

Psalm 140:1-5
English Standard Version (ESV) 

 This world can be a crazy place, and we can get caught up in the chaos.  There is evil in the world, and when it seeks us, it can be terrifying.  It is so often bigger than us, more powerful than us, and if we try and fight it on our own, we can quickly be overwhelmed.
  Rather than believe that we are completely independent, it is best to acknowledge our need for God, to cling to him in the face of adversity, and to trust in his goodness and strength, that we might run to the Shepherd and find safety and comfort in his arms.

  May we accept our weakness and be grateful for God's strength

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Psalm 139

Psalm 139 
English Standard Version (ESV)

 God knows you.  God loves you.  God leads you.

  The love of God is more complete than we can imagine, we eternity awaits, where we will dwell within that love, in awe of God and his grace.  The great news is that we can begin to live into that now, to spend time contemplating our beloved, and to let his grace wash over us in awe.

  May you treasure the love of God

Monday, April 6, 2015

Psalm 138

Psalm 138 
English Standard Version (ESV)

  On Easter Monday, let us pause to remember the source of our joy and hope:  The great and all-mighty God, all-powerful, chose to lay down his life so that others might live.  God redeemed us by sacrificing himself, choosing to regard the lowly, the sinful, as worthy.  God did not give up on us, but instead sought us out, pursued us, and washes us clean.
  Someday, all will know the story, and all will worship the author of it.  Until then, may our lives be filled with gratitude, overflowing and sharing the story out of joy.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Psalm 137

Psalm 137 
English Standard Version (ESV) 

  Would anyone have noticed if we'd skipped the last verse?  It's not exactly the verse you read to get excited about a Scripture reading plan.  I'd be okay if it disappeared from the Psalms.
  But there it is, and we have to deal with it, like so much of life.  We don't get a choice -- we just have to make do.  In this case, the raw pain of the Psalmist assaults our sensibilities.  The Psalmist is disconsolate about the situation they find themselves in, cast out of their homeland.  Their despair leads to hopelessness, and death seems preferable to this alien life in which they find themselves.
  There is no happy ending in this Psalm -- it's just raw pain, and sometimes all we can do is acknowledge the pain and disappointment and despair of life.  We offer that to God, knowing that it won't disappear in a moment.  In our prayers, we can recognize that God understands what it is like to mourn, since God watched his own Son be crucified on Good Friday.  In our pain, we can trust that God knows our pain and accepts us as broken people.
  We also remember that Good Friday isn't the end of the story.  The despair of the Psalmist, the despair of the disciples, was not the end of the story, though they may believe it is so in the moment.  Easter is coming.  Resurrection is around the corner, and though we wallow through great pain, it is not a lost cause, because Christ conquers all, and each and every one of us is invited to join in that triumph.
  Joy comes in the morning.  Sometimes, the night is so long we struggle to remember that such a thing is true.  Offer your pain to God, no matter how raw it is. Hold onto the reality that our God promised to be with us in the valley of the shadow of death, and may we find comfort in the knowledge that God understands pain and loss.
  And then let us trust that our pain will someday pass away, there shall be no more pain, nor death, nor mourning, for Easter triumphs over all!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Psalm 136:14-26

Psalm 136:14-26
English Standard Version (ESV)

  Be grateful today.
  You have life today.  You have so many blessings.  Life is not perfect, and there are things we would all change if we could, but today there is life within your bones and the Holy Spirit is at work within you, drawing you forward, deeper into fellowship with the Almighty God who created you, redeemed you by his own blood, and has established an eternal dwelling place for you with him.  God's love endures forever, and God invests himself in communicating that love to you.
  So be grateful today.  Give thanks for what is good, and pray for endurance in the midst of what ails you.  Most of all, may your heart be shaped by gratitude.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Psalm 136:1-13

Psalm 136:1-13
English Standard Version (ESV)

  Life today is all about the moment.  We're caught up in what's going on now, and we don't richly value our common history, the story we share that binds us together.
  It's important for a people of faith to remember our story, for in remembering our story, we remember all that God has done, from the beginning to now, and that strengthens us by reminding us that God is faithful, that he keeps his promises, and that we can depend on God to be there tomorrow just as God has been steadfast in the past.  The memory of God's faithfulness should make us grateful for the ways that God loves us.

May we remember the story of God's love, and may that give us confidence to be bold in our faithfulness