Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A Prayer for Tuesday, 4/14/2015

Majestic Lord,
  Whispers of despair chatter at the corners of my life, constantly reminding me of who I have been and what I am not.  They point to the darkness in my soul, to the crushing memories of failures that have surely brought shame to who I have claimed to be.  They always lurk, quietly at times and demanding at others, curating attention and making me wonder why you would invest such love in me.
  Remind me, O God, that the truth of your Gospel is not about me, but the story is centered around you, in Jesus Christ.  It's not about me, but rather about how I can empty myself before your heavenly throne, bowing low before the cross and recognizing the power and love you have.  Teach me once more this day, Holy Spirit, to pour myself out that your love may fill me, that the voices that orient me selfishly and inward may be silenced by the chorus of angels and saints who are singing your name, and rather than dwell on what I have done, may I strain the very corners of my soul to join that chorus and praise you with all that I am, have been and ever shall be.


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