Thursday, April 16, 2015

Psalm 144:9-15

Psalm 144:9-15
English Standard Version (ESV)

  So many things go by in our lives.  Unexpected surprises take us back, leave us grateful beyond wonder or in tears.  We build or invest in a project that pans out or fails at the last moment.  We have relationships that leave us grateful and ones that make us question everything.  So much is packed into this life.
  We are blessed.  The sun rose this morning, and we were given a new day.  We take a deep breath and the miracle of life fills our lungs.  We have another chance, another opportunity, another day to live in this world.  We can live knowing that God loves us completely, without cause or condition, because he has made us.  God searches and seeks us out, pursuing us with a passionate love.  God treasures you, and he has given you another day.
  You are blessed.  We are blessed.
  Let us be grateful

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