Psalm 146
English Standard Version (ESV)
The Lord is good. This morning, you will see wonders that should amaze you. The sun will rise over the horizon, the stars will fade with the morning, flowers will be in bloom, grass will be lush and green, and so many more things in the world around will happen, all because God has created them and called them into being and bestowed them with beauty and grace.
The same God who has created the beauty of the world around you has created you, knitting you together in your mother's womb, crafting you as a unique creation. God loves you, treasures you, and when you turned from God in sin, God ran to you, offering forgiveness, grace and eternal life. God was willing to pay the price of sin so that we might have an eternal relationship with God, so be amazed at the depth of God's love.
The Lord is so very good. Let us praise!!
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