Friday, September 11, 2015

A Prayer for Friday, Sept 11

Holy God,
  Today, I look back and remember the terror of 14 years ago, the fear of watching such violence unfold, the stark memories of lives being lost.  The television would not stop replaying the terrible images, and they were seared in the mind.  Such chaos.  Such pain.  Such loss.
  Lord, those scars remain forever, deep on the hearts of those who are affected.  You know the reality of brutal pain and senseless violence - you suffered under such violence.  Your scars remain, but they are healed.
  Lord, I pray for healing.  I pray for people whose scars still smart from the wounds.  I pray for lives that have unraveled due to violence and suffering.  I pray for countries that are still trying to grasp how to respond to violence, and I pray for your peace to descend and dwell with us all.  Guide us, Lord, to live as your people, focused on your Kingdom, sharing your love.


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