Romans 8:26-30
English Standard Version (ESV)
There is so much depth here -- the Gospel is like a well that never runs dry, and whenever you think you have solved its depths, it reveals yet more to the searching heart.
Here, we are reminded that we need not know the answer's to life's deepest longings. When we come to the chapters in our lives that seem unsolvable, when we stumble and can't seem to find the way back to the light, when we fall and can scarcely even think about getting up due to the pain we are in, when our heart's ache because of the brokenness in the world, we discover that God is already there, at work healing, binding up our broken hearts and broken lives, praying for us when we can't even think to orient ourselves towards God.
God loves us, and he proves it by showing up at the hardest, most difficult points of our lives and leading us through them into everlasting joy. Our scars and memories may remain, but one day all pain will be banished from our lives, and we shall dwell in life everlasting.
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