Wednesday, August 26, 2020

1 Thessalonians 2:17-20

1 Thessalonians 2:17-20 
English Standard Version 

  When you don't have children, it's really easy to know exactly how you would parent children.  Once you have them, however, it's far more challenging in reality, because we're all imperfect.  Well, I'm sure I was a perfect child, but most kids, anyway...
  What kids need is someone to encourage them, someone to support them, someone to love them.  They need a stable base, and while they certainly need discipline and correction, they need to hear words of affirmation.
  We all do, don't we?  No matter what, we all need to occasionally hear that we are someone's glory and joy.  
  Why do we need to hear that?
  Because we were made for it.  Our hearts were formed in such a way that we were created to hear God say that we are God's glory and joy.  In this life, when we hear those words from  people who truly love us, their love is pointing to God's love.  This is ultimately who we were made for, and so when sin comes along and distorts the voice of God in our ears, substituting that voice with other voices that deceive and ultimately betray us, we're reminding of how deeply we need to hear words of love, that we are God's glory and joy.  
  On the cross, God shows you the fullness of God's love for you, and in demonstrating the willingness to die for you, God is saying to you that you are God's glory and joy.  So today, even if only for a moment, close your eyes and remember that God is saying you to, "You are my glory and joy."

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