Monday, August 17, 2020

Psalm 22:29-31

Psalm 22:29-31 
English Standard Version 

  We often think of our lives as a biography -- it has a beginning at our birth, and concludes upon our death.  Perhaps there is a brief afterword, as our legacy extends through those who remember us, but in time, that diminishes.  
  In the community of faith, however, our story is part of a much larger story, one that is not written by us and is therefore not limited by time as we are.  While our chapter on earth may be brief, our part in the story is much, much larger and extends to and through the end of the book!  Our story adds to an enriches the entire story, as the story of God's works are told over and over again.  
  Where else can we find access to the eternal?  Where else are we welcomed through a free gift, made worthy to stand before the throne through the actions of another?  What other book welcomes us into a community that stretches across time and space and welcomes as equal members heads of state and the poorest people who have ever lived?  What other story has a character who predicts his own death and resurrection and then achieves them both as predicted?  
  There is no other story in which I would prefer to play a part.

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