Monday, August 24, 2020

1 Thessalonians 2:9-12

1 Thessalonians 2:9-12 
English Standard Version 

  I've never had the greatest appreciation for people who tell me what to do but have very little interest in demonstrating an interest in doing the same work.  It's incredibly frustrating to be told what to do by someone who had demonstrated a lack of interest in participating alongside you.  
  Paul, who by most accounts could likely get away with not joining  in the labors of those to whom he is addressing (the line 'I wrote half the New Testament' probably goes a long way), is clearly toiling alongside those he addresses.  He's exhorting them and encouraging them, but also seeking to live a holy life in their midst.  He knows that it matters how they live as well as what they say.  
  Our actions matter.  Living out our faith is vitally important in this day and age, especially given that camera phones are everywhere and always seem to be videotaping everything, but even when no one else is looking, may our actions match our words match our hearts, that all may align and point to the grace of Christ.

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